Music in public places

1.3.6 Updated on:

How do you get Permissions?

Any individual or group wishing to perform music in public for charity should contact the Constable of the Parish for permission.


Any individual or group wishing to perform music in public for gain should contact the Jersey Arts Centre which is authorized by the Bailiff to audition and recommend acts to perform in the streets. There are also guidelines to be followed.

Playing of recorded music

Previously, businesses and organisations had to obtain separate music licences from PPL and PRS for Music. They have now come together to form PPL PRS Ltd and launch TheMusicLicence. This means if you use, play or listen to recorded music in your business or organisation, the chances are you need a licence. Under The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders in order to play or perform music in public. Obtaining TheMusicLicence gives you this permission in relation to the vast majority of commercially available music.

For more information and to check whether you need TheMusicLicence, see here.

Licence fee

The licence fee varies according to the size of the premises and the nature of and the extent to which music is played.


Regular checks are conducted by agents from PPL PRS Ltd who will advise companies of the need for a licence. If a licence is not obtained there are penalties for non-compliance including a fee increase of 50%.