Domestic Abuse
The first thing to do when dealing with cases involving domestic abuse is to make sure the victim and any children are safe.
Female victims
A woman who is suffering from mental or physical abuse can ask the Freeda (previously known as the Women’s Refuge) for help at any time. They offer advice, counselling and a safe place to go and stay.
Website: Freeda | Free from Domestic Abuse
It is also possible to meet a member of Freeda staff outside of the refuge. This member of staff is called an Outreach Worker and she can arrange to meet someone who needs help in a place that they choose e.g. at home or in a public place.
Male victims
A man who is the victim of domestic abuse can contact the Men’s Refuge
Sanctuary House,
High Street,
St. Aubin
Tel: +44 1534 743732 or +44 7700 333912
Jersey Domestic Abuse Support
JDAS is an independent service developed to protect and support victims of domestic abuse and sexual abuse.
A qualified independent adviser will be able to help support those who have experienced any acts of domestic abuse or sexual abuse.
Tel: +44 1534 880505
Domestic Abuse Disclosure Scheme
Clare’s Law was started after the case of Clare Wood in England.
The scheme has two purposes:
- the right to ask, which enables someone to ask the police about a partner’s previous history of domestic abuse or abuse acts
- the right to know, which allows the police to proactively disclose information in certain circumstances
There is more information about how the scheme works on the States of Jersey Police website.
Legal action
If the Courts and the Police are involved in a domestic abuse case, it can make the abusive person realise the consequences of their behaviour. The abusive person might stop their behaviour if they realise that they could be sent to prison for it.
An injunction is a Court order to restrain the abusive from contacting or to stop them from going to the person’s home.
It is possible to obtain an injunction urgently if required. A person needs a lawyer to get an injunction. Legal Aid may be available.
Someone who gets an injunction order should also take some sensible security precautions as well, such as
- change the locks on doors
- have a friend or family member move in to live with them
- tell the honorary police in their parish what is happening
Court orders should only be a part of the solution. They should not be relied on as a long term measure. For example, being served with an injunction may not stop an abusive person being abusive.
Prosecution and punishment
The police will bring a case against anyone who has committed an act of domestic abuse if they think there is enough evidence. The victim must agree to make a complaint to the police. This is known as a formal complaint.
Once a formal complaint is made, the police can take action.
ADAPT training
There is now a programme for men who would like to stop their abusive behaviour called ADAPT (Adapt Domestic Abuse Prevention Training).
The Court has the choice of sending someone on this training as a condition or part of a probation order. In order to be considered suitable for the ADAPT training, men need to be assessed to see if they are willing to accept the need to change their behaviour.
The ADAPT programme is made up of five modules. Each part lasts for six weeks.
Jersey Action Against Rape
JAAR is a charity that aims to prevent and heal the trauma of rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse, providing support for victims in Jersey and their families.
Helpline +44 1534 482800
Counselling service is offered by the Women’s Refuge.
Police contact details
States of Jersey Police
Police Headquarters
La Route du Fort
St Helier
Tel: +44 1534 612612 (to report a crime)
Tel: +44 1534 612239 (Police Domestic Abuse Officers)