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Owning a Property

Welcome to the Owning a Property section.

Buying Property

For information, please see Home buyer’s guide (gov.je)


Taking out a mortgage You should get independent advice from an expert or from your own bank when taking out a mortgage. Jersey Lending There are many types of mortgages, and you need to take advice on which one is right for you. Much will depend on your financial circumstances. There are tracker, discount and […]

Moving Checklist

If you carefully plan and organise your move, it is likely to be less stressful. Use this moving checklist to guide you through the time leading up to your moving day. At least a month before the move Confirm the date of your move If you’re renting, tell your landlord of your moving out date […]

Planning and Building Services

For information, please see Planning and building (gov.je)

Private Sector Letting Agents

Agency fees Agencies are private companies and there are no limits on the fees they can charge to arrange new tenancies. If an agent is dealing with a tenancy re-assignment or renewal, they can only charge fees that are mentioned in the existing lease.  If the existing lease says they can charge a fee for […]


Finding out the name of a scaffold company when there is a problem Scaffold companies should display their company name on the scaffolding. Warning lights It is the duty of the property holder to make sure that hazard lights are provided when necessary, not the contractor or scaffolder. Tour d’echelle This is the right in […]

Use of water – Customary Law

Water rising on a property Customary Law in Jersey allows owners of land unrestricted use of any water which rises on their land. They can use it as they think fit, even if such use exhausts it completely. If the water is not exhausted, it must be left to take its natural course, the landowner […]
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