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Government of Jersey

Welcome to the Government of Jersey section.

Constitution of Jersey

Sovereignty Jersey is a Crown Dependency and not part of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Geographically, Jersey is both part of the British Isles and of the British Islands. Jersey has its own laws, judiciary and executives. When England was conquered by the Normans […]

Control of Housing and Work Law Housing Status

Registration cards for work and housing – Registration cards for work and housing (gov.je) Residential and employment statuses and what they mean – Residential and employment statuses and what they mean (gov.je)   Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (jerseylaw.je)

Cost of Living Index

Please see: Retail prices index (inflation) (gov.je)

Customs and Immigration

Customs and Immigration The Customs and Immigration Service is a government department. It has two main responsibilities: controlling immigration on entry at Jersey harbours and airport monitoring the importation of goods, involving the collection of customs and excise revenues and making sure attempts to smuggle prohibited or restricted goods, such as illegal drugs, are prevented. […]

Data Protection

The Office of the Information Commissioner website includes information about: the work of the Commission online notifications and enquiry forms guidance notes Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 If you have problems with Data Protection or Freedom of Information matters, you can contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.  Telephone:+44 1534 716530 […]

Employment, Social Security and Housing

What does Employment, Social Security and Housing do? Employment, Social security and Housing helps people in Jersey achieve and maintain financial independence. They do this through social and employment schemes. Some of their other main responsibilities include: administering contribution, benefit and pension schemes so that people in Jersey can have an acceptable standard of living […]

Environmental Protection and Conservation

For information, please see Environment (gov.je)

Health Cards

To apply for a first Health Card, please visit Employment, Social Security and Housing, Union Street. For details, please see Doctors (GPs) fees, prescriptions and health cards (gov.je)

Immigration – Visas, Work Permits and Settled Status

British Citizenship British Citizenship gives you the right to remain as a permanent resident in Jersey and the UK.  You may obtain a British passport. You can hold dual citizenship as long as both countries allow this.  You can apply for British citizenship while being a citizen of another country. For further information:  British citizenship […]

Importing to Jersey inc. Cars and shopping.

Please see Paying GST for online shopping (gov.je) How do I register my vehicle in Jersey?   Please see Government of Jersey – Vehicle Registration.   Expectations of people buying off the internet Consumers who shop on the internet are no different from those who buy in a shop. The goods or services should work […]

Long Term Care Scheme

How the long-term care scheme works The long-term care scheme provides financial support to Jersey residents who need long-term care for the rest of their life, either at home or in a care home. This means you need significant help with everyday tasks such as getting out of bed and dressing. The scheme aims to remove any […]


Administration States of Jersey Prison Service HM Prison La Moye La Rue Baal St Brelade JE3 8HQ Tel:+44 1534 441800  

Registration of Births/Marriages/Deaths Certificates

The Superintendent Registrar The Superintendent Registrar is the Island’s senior registrar who holds the registers of births, deaths and all marriages from 1842 to date and all civil partnerships from the introduction of the Civil Partnership (Jersey) Law, 2012. Please see Office of the Superintendent Registrar (gov.je).

States of Jersey Complaints Panel

States of Jersey Complaints Panel The Complaints Board is an independent Panel chosen from individuals proposed by States Members. There are 10 Panel members and it includes a Chairperson and two Deputy Chairpersons. A Board is made up of two people selected from the Panel by the Chairperson, and either the Chair or one of […]
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