Welcome to the Children section.
Babysitting guidelines There is no statute law providing for suitable ages for children to be able to babysit. Commonsense must prevail, but the circumstances are significant. For example, availability of the parent(s), the closeness of other adults, the health of the children being minded, length of time left, etc. Parents/guardians are legally responsible for the […]
Please see Child Accident Prevention Jersey (
The protection of children from abuse is a serious issue and two organisations in Jersey have particular responsibilities for this: The Children’s Social Care Service The Safeguarding Partnership Board (SPB) The Children’s Social Care Service takes referrals from the MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) whereby concerns are reported with regards to children from other agencies and […]
The Children’s Social Care Service It is the aim of the Children’s Service to promote, safeguard and improve the wellbeing of all children and their families in Jersey. Please see Children’s Social Care Service (
The Pathology Laboratory at the General Hospital does not carry out DNA or blood sampling for paternity or parentage testing. We are aware that Cellmark is available to Jersey residents and is court approved and accredited for DNA testing. See link for contact information on contacting Cellmark, they advise on which samples are to be taken […]