Employment Law
Welcome to the Employment Law section.
Discrimination Law The characteristics covered by the Discrimination Law are currently: Race Sex Sexual orientation Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Age Disability For the updated law, please see Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013 (jerseylaw.je) JACS and Citizens Advice Jersey have prepared practical disability discrimination guides; See the Practical Guide to Disability Discrimination. See Guide to the […]
For information on ending employment, please see Jersey Advisory & Conciliation Service (jacs.org.je). For financial support, please see Benefits and financial support (gov.je) For information on paying Social Security Contributions, please see Payment of contributions (gov.je)
Please see 15. Flexible Working | JACS
For information, please see Health and safety at work (gov.je).
Please see Guidance Note 13 – Parental Rights | JACS JACS also have a leaflet: parental-and-breastfeeding-rights-booklet.pdf (jacs.org.je)
When you need to make a claim against your employer, you must decide whether to pursue through the Petty Debts Court or the Employment Tribunal. Below is a table of the differences between each service to help you decide. If you are still unsure, please contact JACS. Petty Debts Court Employment Tribunal Stamp Duty to […]
Please see Payment of contributions (gov.je)