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Video Recording Classification

What is a video recording classification?

Anybody involved in the sale, hire, loan or exchange of videos faces an unlimited fine if they possess a video recording which is not classified under the law. A video recording means any disc or magnetic tape containing a moving picture.

The Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1990 prohibits the supply of video recordings which have not been classified by the British Board of Film Classification. The classifications are similar to those used in the UK, but the Jersey law gives the Minister for Education the power to alter a classification if this is necessary to protect young people.

The law also enables police officers or officers of the Education Department, with a warrant issued by the Bailiff, to enter premises to conduct a search for unsuitable material and if necessary, confiscate it.

Some video recordings are exempt from the law. These include most educational recordings, as well as tapes on sport, religion, music and video games. There will be no exemptions for recordings showing activities which might be considered unsuitable for children.

An Advisory Panel for the Control of Public Entertainment monitors the grading of all films screened at the cinemas.

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